What If? Metropolis OGR

What if OGR
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1 comment:

  1. OGR 05/11/2015

    Hi Tom,

    I enjoyed your travelogue, which was characterised by its pragmatic view of how the city works, and emphasis on work and an artisan culture - very much in keeping with your artist's approach to clay and making - unpretentious, honest and resolutely low tech. I liked too the lovely idea of the city of two halves switching identities - very visual. Good to see so many thumbnails too at this early stage, and your influence maps reflect your ability to link your artist's work to actual architectural examples. The signs are encouraging, Tom - so what next?

    I think the big challenge for you is to decide on the focus of your digital set - i.e. why are we looking at one set of buildings over another kind? Which of the aspects of your city might be selected to best communicate the character of your city? Will it be the parliamentary building, with your matte painting showing us the quarry behind? This is your next job then, Tom - concept art! Onwards!
