I didn't enjoy this project very much and I feel as though I relied too much on other people to tell me what to do rather than taking the initiative and taking it into my own hands to do the work.
I enjoyed modeling and rigging the baby character in our narrative project. I relied too much on others work to be completed on time, as a result the modeling and the rigging was not able to be started until late on in the project and then finish late in the project. I feel as though I could have been capable of more but i found it hard to get into the idea of working on the project. The communication within the group was difficult and poor from my perspective and as a result I think we didn't come together as well as we could have. If I did this project again I would see to it that the roles were split up differently and I believe I could have controlled myself differently.

I didn't enjoy this project, I felt as though it could have gone in a better direction. I found it hard to get into the swing of working on the project, I felt that the progress was slow and that our communication was poor. If I did this project again I would have split up the roles differently and a change of story line.

tory ideas

Man vs family

JOB-works on oil rig, lorry driver, pilot, army 
A man has a job where he has to work away alone, he does not see family often, depressed and missing his family. Family are not grateful, man has never fallen in love and never started his own family

DEATH- Mans dying having flashbacks of his life, regret, death of a family member, child, mum, dad, last family member living, 

Technology- family is always on there phones, tv, game consoles. They have no interaction with each other, man is always distracted by technology and misses child’s first steps, first word, school play, etc regret. (Technology has changed social life and home life)

DRUGS- A man destroys family life, man has no family and gets into drugs, pushed away from family because of drugs, imprisoned for a long time, on the streets, turning life around.

NO FAMILY- adopted, story to find a family, looking for his real parents, family die, on the streets finds a new family, starting a family

BABY-starts a family has nervous, scared, runs away from family, going through pregnancy,

Age- old age, wife dies and is waiting to join her in the afterlife, no one visits him, youngest child gets more attention other children feel left out

Heartbroken- divorce, breakup, from the child’s perspective in the family

LOVE-finding man’s true love, finding a ring love story

CGI Animated Shorts HD: "Taking the Plunge"

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